EuroMix project organised training for stakeholders from industry, authorities and NGOs in February-March 2017.
Three training sessions have been organised. The first one was held at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in Parma, Italy on February 21 2017 and twenty-three scientists from different EFSA units participated in the training.

Two sessions were held in Amsterdam, Netherlands on March 15 and 16 2017 for authorities, universities, NGOs and industry. Forty-two stakeholders participated in the training.

The aim of the training was to support understanding of the strategies for testing and risk assessment of mixtures that are developed in EuroMix. The focus was on how Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) and QSAR can contribute to testing and risk assessment of mixtures as well as on how the mixtures can be selected based on exposure and hazard information. The participants also got hands on experience of the MCRA tool for assessment of combined exposures and of QSAR models.
The training programme is available here and the report of the training activity is here.