- Grouping and prioritisation of chemicals to be included in mixture testing based on literature research and in silico approaches for a limited number of toxicological effects such as fatty changes in the liver, skeletal malformation and an example of an endocrine effect.
- Testing of chemicals and their mixtures on key events of Adverse Outcome Pathways including the toxicological profiles as identified by EFSA.
- Verification of in silico methods and the in vitro bioassay toolbox for mixture testing against in vivo animal tests. Comparison of the predicted exposure with biomarkers measured in humans.
- Performing risk assessments of mixtures twice; first with conventional data and then with results from the novel test methods developed in the project. A ‘retain and refine’ approach will be followed to address the completeness and uncertainties of the risk assessment. .
- Integration of modelling approaches linking external to internal exposure doses, assessing cumulative risk and taking account of uncertainty.
- Make use of high performance parallel computing and cloud computing facilities in a protected governmental ICT environment.
- The organisation of training, workshops and stakeholder conferences to discuss the new test strategy for mixture risk assessment with the WHO/FAO Codex Alimentarius, DG SANTE, the US-EPA and relevant stakeholders.