- An efficient evaluation process of the safety of mixtures, ensuring adequate protection of public health.
- First tier screening of chemicals to be included in mixture testing based on literature research, quantitative structural activity relationships (QSAR) and real life exposure profiles.
- Guidance on the use of in vitro tests to test mixture effects on key events of Adverse Outcome Pathways.
- A refined strategy for grouping chemicals into cumulative assessment groups and prioritising data gaps.
- A harmonised approach to assessing risk including information on possible additive, synergistic or antagonistic effects of the chemicals in the mixtures at real life exposure levels.
- An open access web based model and data platform available to all stakeholders that will remain available beyond the project’s lifetime.
- Guidance and training material on the use of the test strategy and refined risk assessment of mixtures.
- Discussion on acceptance of the test strategy and exposure assessment methodology by international organisations (e.g. EFSA, ECHA, OECD, WHO/FAO Codex Alimentarius, US-EPA and DG SANTE).
- Reduction in the use of laboratory animals once the mixture testing is accepted due to reliable in silico and in vitro approaches to assess the toxicity of chemical mixtures.