25th EPICOH – Scientific Committee on Epidemiology in Occupational Health, 4-7 September 2016.
Jacob van Klaveren gave a presentation at the annual congress of epidemiology.
“Exposure assessment to multiple chemicals and future mixture testing”.
here is the full presentation. The key message of the presentation: “In daily life we are exposed to many chemicals via various exposure routes such as food, the environment and the use of consumer products. Risk assessment should account for mixture effects and EFSA has started to group pesticides in cumulative assessment groups. Epidemiological studies might help to confirm that the risk assessment is sufficiently conservative or might provide information on the real exposure of humans to mixtures of pesticides. A link between the EFSA work, the EuroMix and the new European Biomonitoring (HBM4ME) Initiative was discussed during the 25th annual congress of the EPICOH congress.”
Accepted abstracts have been published as a supplement of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and the Book of Abstracts is available here.