EuroMix Stakeholder Workshop

Towards Harmonisation of Implementation of Test Strategies for Chemical Mixtures in Europe

The first EuroMix Stakeholders’ Workshop was held on 18 May 2017 at the Thon Hotel EU in Brussels, Belgium.

This workshop was organised to inform stakeholders on the progress made in the EuroMix project on the test strategy and the tools that will be released for future testing and risk assessment of mixtures. It also aimed to obtain feedback regarding the needs of stakeholders as well as which further steps can be taken to ensure project relevance to them.

In total, 72 participants attended the workshop, 50 stakeholders and 22 representatives from the beneficiaries. The participants came from the European Member States and the associated countries well as the USA, Canada Brazil and Japan.

The programme and presentations of the workshop can be found here.

A few photos from the event can be found here.
