The final EuroMix consortium meeting was held 9-11 April 2019 in Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands.
The aim of the meeting was to:
- Celebrate the EuroMix project
- Ensure the finalisation of the deliverables
- Present the results of the in vivo study and the IVIVE modelling results using the PBPK models
- Validate the EuroMix models and to compare human bio-monitoring study results with the prediction from monitoring data using the EuroMix data and models
- Present the different exposure scenarios using the EuroMix toolbox
- Finalise the test strategy using the EuroMix toolbox
- Update the consortium on the training and stakeholder conferences
- Present the final version of the practical guidance i.e. the EuroMix handbook
The meeting was very fruitful and the consortium partners are happy with the many useful and practical outcomes from EuroMix.